We love Complaints!

Handling complaints

A key part of customer service is how to handle complaints when you get them. If a customer approaches or contacts you in regards to something they are unhappy with - whether it is another staff member or a product or service - you need to know what to do and how best to do it.

Frustrated customers can be difficult to deal with and they can raise your stress levels significantly! Handling customer complaints can be tedious but they can also help you to identify areas for training and improvement and when handled well, they are an opportunity to exceed your customers expectations.

Lightbulb Training Solutions held our Handling Complaints Workshop in Benalla recently where we met some wonderful and caring Education staff. 

Customer service training courses
Customer service training courses

Our Handling Complaints Workshop equips people with loads of hints and tips on dealing with complaints.

Some of the workshop objectives:

  • Why and How people complain
  • What to do in the heat of the moment;
  • Dealing with the after-effects of difficult interactions.

For customer service training courses please contact us.

Cate Schreck

LTS Training Manager and Service Warrior :)